Vibrational Sound Therapy
What is Vibrational Sound Therapy?
VST is a singing bowl based sound relaxation therapy technique. The specially hand-made Himalayan therapeutic singing bowls are placed on your body and used as a focal point for your attention. The complex sound of the bowls is the perfect tool to maintain your awareness as the bowls are moved along your body through the structured technique. As your focus is held by the combined stimulus of the sound and direct on the body vibration, you are allowed a break from normal cycles of thought. Many people will fall into a deep restful state during the session. As the bowls are moved through a gentle framework, the vibration of the bowls provide a soothing massage to your soft tissues, This soothing and gentle technique brings complete relaxation.
Sound based relaxation therapy techniques are a growing component of complimentary and integrative medicine. These techniques are increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of conditions, Studies of the benefits of sound based relaxation therapy techniques are underway as the concept of using relaxation to help the body heal is a growing focus of a stressed out society.
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What is relaxation?
Relaxation is a state of existence liberated from tension and stress. The state of consciousness known as relaxation is induced by the techniques used during VST. VST is a process that decreases the effects of stress on the body and mind.
Tension and stress are two natural forces that affect the body and overall health.Tension and stress work together over time to damage our health. Persistent stress is shown to cause various diseases such as heart attacks, stroke, kidney disease, and arthritis. The term stress as it is used here was defined in the 1950’s by Dr. Hans Selye as the ‘nonspecific response of the body to any demand for change. Dr. Selye is now known by the unfortunate title “the father of stress’ His research on the response of organisms to stress forms the basis of what we know about how stress affects our bodies.
While receiving relaxation therapy through VST, visible signs of the effect are shown. Muscle tension and blood pressure decrease, the mind becomes calm, and the harmful effects of prolonged exposure to stress seem to melt away. Studies have shown a predictable response to relaxation therapies. Relaxation therapies can reduce the symptoms of stress by slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and slowing the breathing rate. The vibrations increase blood flow to major muscles, reduce muscle tension, and gently reduce chronic pain. The gentle tone helps to focus your mind, fostering stronger concentration and balanced moods while reducing fatigue.
Where are VST sessions offered?
These private one hour, one on one private sessions are offered either at Bonnie Cassels home studio in Edmonds, Wa or at your home or office. All necessary equipment including the bowls and portable massage table can be easily transported. For further information and/or to schedule your sessions, please email Bonnie at or text her at 301-356-3484.